This is a basic shoot 'em up template project.
This was originally made as a teaching aid to introduce the topics of C# and game design to first time Unity users in 2020. I've updated the code and fixed a few small issues with it. Also I've added in an object pooler for most objects. There's still more optimisation that could be done and a lot more features that can be included like enemy bullets and bullet/enemy wave patterns. However this template was kept small and simple to not overwhelm the students. 
This was also designed as a base project with menus and level changing built in to help students start quickly and not need to make the same logic again for each assignment. All the code has been commented to help students use it as a self learning tool as well.
Main features
Menu system and scene changing
Ship controls and shooting
Enemies and object spawning
Player upgrades, health, and damage
High score saving
SFX and music
Particle effects
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